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Thread: search.aspx and Manufacturers

  1. #1
    kboxell is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default search.aspx and Manufacturers


    We are using the "quick search" (search.aspx) in the header of a site, and the customer wants it to search either categories, departments or manufacturers. It appears to search the categories and departments, but ignores manufacturers.

    The advanced search might work as well, and I would be ok with just providing a link to the advanced search, but it appear to be hard-coded to ask for "Categories" "Manufacturers" and "Departments". Functionally, this is fine, but aesthetically the customer wants it to ask for "Stones/Metals" "Jewelry Type" and "Designers" respectively.

    Any ideas on either of these?

    Also, the layout of the results appears to be semi-hard coded. I found the XML file, but the headers for "Name" "SKU" and "Category" in the results (as well as the title that says "Department Matches" or "Category Matches") appear to be hard coded as well. For example, the client wants it to say "Designers" instead of "Department Matches." Any options for this too?

    Thanks in advance, your support is terrific!


  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Department Matches, Category Matches, etc. are actually images under the {root}/skins/Skin_#/images folder. You could easily alter that. Advanced search would be a great solution. However, whether you use Advanced or the Standard, both of them shares the same stored procedure: aspdnsf_GetProducts...

  3. #3
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    Do you just want to change the text (eg. instead of saying Search Departments you want it to say Search Designers or just Designers)? These are string resources that can be changed in the admin section. The string resources you're looking for are AppConfig.CategoryPromptSingular, AppConfig.SectionPromptSingular, and AppConfig.ManufacturerPromptSingular (or searchadv.aspx.18 depending on your version). If you change those in the admin section and reset the cache the changes will reflect on the front end. If you are ever unsure about which string resource to change, you can follow the instructions in this knowledgebase article to review which string resources are being used as you view the page.
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  4. #4
    kboxell is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Search manufacturers

    Awesome, thanks guys... But, is there a way to have the search.aspx also search manufacturers since it searches categories and departments, or can that only be handled through the Advanced Search?

    The GetProducts I noticed is used a lot of places, but if that needs to be modified to get the desired results I'm fine with that.

    And, finally, I still don't see how I can change the layout of the search results. The XML file just appears to take it from the table contents, but the overall table layout is hardcoded somewhere. Is that true?

    Thanks again!
