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Thread: USPS - Question about getting this to work

  1. #1
    mc9000 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default USPS - Question about getting this to work

    Is there a trick to getting the USPS to work as a shipper in the 64bit ML version of storefront?
    I've been given a login and password to USPS's Web Tools, but no matter what I put in, I always get a "not authorized" message.
    I also noticed that there is no password setting in the appconfig (though it looks like their API dll only uses the login ID).
    Which login ID are they looking for?
    Are the Web Tools not the correct service?

    Here is an excerpt from the email they sent me:

    "Your Web Tools User ID, shown above, is required to test and integrate USPS Web Tools APIs. With this ID, you may begin sending calls to the test server. Depending on the API, the address to the test server is either or Use this information in combination with your User ID and your XML string to send a request to the USPS servers. For more details, refer to the programming guides (located at for the specific API you are integrating.

    A sample test request would look like: "[API_Name]&XML=[XML_String_containing_User_ID]"

    When you have completed your testing, email the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC). They will switch your profile to allow you access to the production server and will provide you with the production URLs

    I verified that the correct uri is in the AppConfig. Is there another configuration I'm missing? FedEx and UPS work just fine and return the correct rates every time.

    (hair pulling)

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    You need to the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC). They will switch your profile to allow you access to the production server...
    so your account is live. We use the live server information, so as long as your account is in test mode it won't work.

    You can just tell them that you're using a 3rd party app that has already been tested and they'll do that.