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Thread: Customer Password E-mail Reset Question

  1. #1
    dtancredi is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Customer Password E-mail Reset Question


    I've deployed AspDotNetStorefront for a site, and been maintaining, and learning it as I go.

    Recently, two customers forgot their e-mails and tried to reset them. But they never received their e-mails.

    I went into the back-end, and did the following:
    1. tested the mail server (everything shows testing works)
    2. attempted to update their e-mail normally in their profile (received an error below)
    3. created a test user for myself, and tried to reset my own password (received an error below)

    The Customer's Password Has NOT Been Changed!!! You do not have your mail server AppConfigs setup, so we did NOT change the password, because there would be no way to communicate it to the customer!Mail Error occurred - Exception=Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for<br />

    I did these actions based on this response from the forums .

    I'm looked through the forums for a solution... I don't think I've done anything to install or setup WSI (not really sure what that is). In the web-config file those areas are still commented out.

    In the end, I went through MS SQL and updated their password via SQL, made them "registered" and not locked. Hey, I had to get the job done somehow. But due diligence for me means going back and figuring out why the system isn't working in the first place.

    I AM a developer though, both web and software so I understand code thoroughly. I'm not sure where error output would be or why it thinks it can't send to my gmail. Again, I've tested the mail server... but somehow resetting the password somehow gets tripped up in the e-mail part.

    Any advice?

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  2. #2
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Going by the unable to relay error, looks like your on a domain ( trying to send mail through another domain (smpt is and lots of mail host dont allow that due to spam. If someone could use someone else smpt server to send mail it would get ugly.

  3. #3
    dtancredi is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Thumbs up How can I change / check the relay?

    Good call. I think the key is the Unable to relay error...

    Should I contact the host about SMTP relay? I found this post that details it but... I don't have access to the server machine itself:
    this post

    We have the regular domain as
    but the store is

    What's the solution for relaying?

  4. #4
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    So is your smtp something like