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Thread: Need Category specific search

  1. #1
    rtomer is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Need Category specific search


    I have posted the same message yesterday also but it doesn't get displayed (I don't know why), hence I am posting it again.

    I need to configure category specific search on a category page.

    Suppose I have two category catA and catB.
    I want search functionality in catA means no product of catB get displayed in search result. When a user searches in catA, then it should search in category catA and its subcategories only.

    I believe stored procedure aspdnsf_GetProduct can solve the purpose but may be I am missing something. Search result contain products from both categories

    here is my call to aspdnsf_GetProduct:-

    exec aspdnsf_GetProducts
    @localeName = @locale,
    @CustomerLevelID = @CustLevelID,
    @affiliateID = @AffID,
    @ProductTypeID = @ProdTypeID,
    @ViewType = 0,
    @pagenum = 1,
    @pagesize = 2147483647,
    @StatsFirst = 0,
    @searchstr = @SearchTerm,
    @publishedonly = 1,
    @ExcludePacks = 0,
    @ExcludeKits = 0,
    @ExcludeSysProds = 1

    Any help is highly appriciated.

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    Are you referring to your search page (eg. search.aspx)? Why not just use the advanced search page (eg. searchadv.aspx) which already has a dropdown box that allows you to select the category you want to search within
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  3. #3
    rtomer is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Thanks for replying.

    I need recursive search but the advance search page doesn't do that.

    I m still having the problem