I have posted the same message yesterday also but it doesn't get displayed (I don't know why), hence I am posting it again.
I need to configure category specific search on a category page.
Suppose I have two category catA and catB.
I want search functionality in catA means no product of catB get displayed in search result. When a user searches in catA, then it should search in category catA and its subcategories only.
I believe stored procedure aspdnsf_GetProduct can solve the purpose but may be I am missing something. Search result contain products from both categories
here is my call to aspdnsf_GetProduct:-
exec aspdnsf_GetProducts
@localeName = @locale,
@CustomerLevelID = @CustLevelID,
@affiliateID = @AffID,
@ProductTypeID = @ProdTypeID,
@ViewType = 0,
@pagenum = 1,
@pagesize = 2147483647,
@StatsFirst = 0,
@searchstr = @SearchTerm,
@publishedonly = 1,
@ExcludePacks = 0,
@ExcludeKits = 0,
@ExcludeSysProds = 1
Any help is highly appriciated.