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Thread: Low performance on IIS 7.0

  1. #1
    sergeytest is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Low performance on IIS 7.0

    Could be a misconfiguration on our part, but it looks like the site was performing well until moved into production environment IIS7, where the symptoms are as follows.

    Opening default.aspx takes approx 24 sec (timed with IEWatch). After which for the same user the system is responsive under 2 sec response time as long as you keep clicking through the application with 15-20 sec between clicks, as soon as you are away for about 1-2 minutes, the first request after that takes over 20 sec again. At that time there is high CPU utilization on the server.
    The problem is not reproduced in the development or staging environment.

    Cash Menus = True
    Session timeout is 3600
    compilation debug (web.config) is false.

    Tried caching dynamic content, without any luck.

    Not sure what else to change, but it looks like the pages are being recompiled again and again.

    If you have ideas please let me know.
    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    Could you provide some additional information about the setup and the environment?

    • Which version of AspDotNetStorefront are you using?
    • Are you running in Integrated Pipeline or Classic mode?
    • How many other sites exist in the same application pool?
    • Is this a shared hosting environment?
    • How big is the application pool?
    • What is the time period between application pool resets/recycles?
    • Have you looked in the event logs to see if there are any errors that stand out?
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>

  3. #3
    sergeytest is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default performance on IIS 7.0

    Could you provide some additional information about the setup and the environment?

    * Which version of AspDotNetStorefront are you using?
    * Are you running in Integrated Pipeline or Classic mode?
    * How many other sites exist in the same application pool?
    * Is this a shared hosting environment?
    * How big is the application pool?
    * What is the time period between application pool resets/recycles?
    * Have you looked in the event logs to see if there are any errors that stand out?

    * storefront ML/64
    * I suspect Classic (not sure how to tell)
    * single site, on a standalone server hosting both IIS and MS SQL 2005 Express
    * not shared with anyone else
    * separate application pool for storefront app, no other apps deployed
    * 1740 minutes (I suspect this is a default)
    * there are some errors saying that application pool exceeded its job limit settings, but that was just once throughout 4 hour testing cycle while the problems were experienced throughout the testing.

  4. #4
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    I'd love to know the answer to this too. We have similar issues on our 7.0 server.

  5. #5
    sshapiro is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Anyone have any further info on this? I am seeing pretty spotty performance in IIS7 as well.

    Random CPU utilization spikes of 99%. Random pages taking a while to load. And then the next request loading almost instantly.

    Running on a dedicated webserver with a dedicated SQL server separate.