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Thread: PayPal Express 500 Message

  1. #1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default PayPal Express 500 Message


    Is anyone experiencing problems with Paypal Express at the moment?

    We are using Paypal Express (PPE) as an alternative payment option on several of our client sites. Today we noticed that attempting to use PPE on one of the sites resulted in a 500 error on Paypal's domain.

    We initially thought we may have caused the problem - we had just finished migrating the site to a new server (Rackspace) and had made a few code changes. However soon after we find that another client site, which we have not touched or edited in quite a while was experiencing the same issue.

    We can only conclude that this must be due to a problem at PayPal. Yet we have not heard of anyone else having this problem. Seems hard to believe with so many people using it. I have been trying to get in touch with someone there who can help us but no luck yet.

    We could really use some help because we are stumped.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    Check with Rackspace, if you're on their cloud hosting you may have to have them do a little work to allow the connection out. They have a whitelist for your site they'll have to add Paypal's servers to. Talk to their support folks, they can set up a trace and see what's going on. They're great over there.

  3. #3 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thanks Scott,

    That helps us with regard to the client we just moved to Rackspace, but the other client is with a different host and is having an identical problem.

    I have gotten in contact with PayPal but they are requesting some information I am unsure of. Since PayPal is integrated with Store Front I am not familiar with PayPal's API. For example they are asking for the SetExpressCheckout API call we are using as well as the response we are receiving.

    I have already begun to dig into the API myself but I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

  4. #4
    raseniero is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2009
    Sourther California

    Default Paypal Express

    Yes, we have used paypal express intial discovery would take 2 hours
    they you just probably need to upgrade to the latest version. May I ask what version are you running or using?
    Ramon Aseniero
    Technical Project Manager (AspDotNetStorefront DevNet Partner)

  5. #5 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    The two clients in particular are on v7. Upgrading to v8 would not be worthwhile as there has been quite a lot of modification done to the backend.

    We did make a discovery however - we had been entering fake information for name and address so as to clearly indicate it was a test order. Upon entering legitimate information we no longer receive a 500 error. Clearly we should be getting some kind of indication that the form has been filled out incorrectly rather than a 500 error.