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Thread: New shipping carrier

  1. #1
    TomWelch is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default New shipping carrier

    I've added a new shipper for the rtshipping. In a nutshell it's producing the proper xml as it shows it to me in the RTShipRequest output when I have debug set to true. But it doesn't seem to be sending the call to the remote server to get back rates.

    The errors I get are as follows:

    (You have selected an invalid state/province and country shipping address combination, or no shipping methods were found for your shipping address destination. Please contact us for assistance!)

    in the debug RTShipResponse:

    <CERASISResponse>System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
    at AspDotNetStorefrontCore.RTShipping.POSTandReceiveD ata(String Request, String Server)</CERASISResponse>

    I am totally stuck and don't know what to do. I'm happy to send along the rtshipping code for someone to look at if need be.


  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    (500) Internal Server Error could be any number of things. Unfortunately the response shown there doesn't provide much in the way of what's actually causing the error. Try setting a breakpoint on the first line in RTShipping.POSTandReceiveData
    private string POSTandReceiveData(string Request, string Server)
        // check for cache hit:
        String CacheName = Server + Request; // breakpoint this line
    and step through until you get an error. The exception here should provide some insight into what the problem is.
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  3. #3
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    The 500 error usually means the target server didn't receive the request, wouldn't accept or authenticate it, or otherwise had a hard failure...
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