Tried to limit returned codes to the list in RTShipping.Fedex.CarrierCodes AppConfig parameter, but it seems to have No effect whatsoever on what's getting returned.
Any comment on this?
Tried to limit returned codes to the list in RTShipping.Fedex.CarrierCodes AppConfig parameter, but it seems to have No effect whatsoever on what's getting returned.
Any comment on this?
We don't utilize that appconfig parameter by default. You would need to open the RTShipping.cs(.vb) file in the AspDotNetStorefrontCore project and in the FedExGetRates method changetoCode:string[] FedExCarrierCodes = { "" };Code:string[] FedExCarrierCodes = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.Fedex.CarrierCodes").Split(',');
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