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Thread: Multiple hometopintro topics

  1. #1
    Mad Marcus is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Multiple hometopintro topics

    We have a couple of different skins in use based on the Customer Level Id and this works fine.

    If I set a specific hometopintro topic and specify in the options that it only applies to a specific skin (e.g. SkinID 2) this also works fine and only displays for that skin but how do I then set an alternate or default hometopintro topic for the other skins? It appears that if you try adding different content and specifying that it only applies to say skin 3 that it just overwrites the content you specified as applying to the first skin.

    I can't even setup other skins to use featured products as an alternative because the featured products then appear on all the skins including the one with the custom hometopintro topic, which we don't want.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    If I understand your concern, you want to use different hometopintro on different skins/template.ascx, correct? There are different ways to do this actually, but I'll tell you the easiest approach.

    1. Create another Topic that's similar to HomeTopIntro, say "HomeTopIntro_2"
    2. Open up your {root}/xmlpackages/page.default.xml.config file, and change 'HomeTopIntro' to "HomeTopIntro_2". Make sure to save it into another file name.
    3. Open up your {root}/default.aspx/cs and handle the switching there.

  3. #3
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    I think to do this one, you'll have to mod the home page XmlPackage to just key off of the active skin id and pull out the topics (hopefully named somehow systematically, e.g. homepage_skin_X) into the content then. You probably have to support this requirement with just a bit of custom code in that home page XmlPackage. The active SkinID is available to the XmlPackage transform to key off of.
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  4. #4
    Mad Marcus is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Thanks guys,

    There was no need to modify any .cs files it could be done by adding a new topic and then modifying the page.default.xml.config file to test for the current skin and then display the relevent topic.

  5. #5
    medichoice is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Could you please post the code of what you did? No developer in house :-)