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Thread: AspDotNetStorefront featured in Internet Retailer, January 2010 "Open for Business"!

  1. #1
    LisaVK is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default AspDotNetStorefront featured in Internet Retailer, January 2010 "Open for Business"!

    AspDotNetStorefront has been featured within Internet Retailer, January 2010, article "Open for Business". Additionally featuring CableOrganizer, a customer of AspDotNetStorefront, the article drives home the fact that, with source code available, AspDotNetStorefront is an unbeatable, highly customizable platform. We look forward to seeing CableOrganizer’s pending eCommerce implementation. Read more:

  2. #2
    LisaVK is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Article Correction

    I would like to take an opportunity to add a correction to the above listed Internet Retailer article from January 2010. Specifically, "The vendor will continue to charge CableOrganizer $300 a year for access to product updates."

    AspDotNetStorefront does not automatically charge any customers for annual continuous updates contracts. We make every effort to notify our customers prior to the expiration of their contract. In addition, this is an optional one year contract. The continuous updates contract is STRONGLY suggested. The cost for this option is $299.00 per year.

    By Enrolling in an Annual Continuous Updates Contract Your Company Can:
    • Stay current with third party provider interfaces such as PayPal, GoogleCheckout, USPS, and many others
    • Stay compatible with today’s popular web browsers
    • Increase conversion rates and reduce overhead with intuitive new features
    • Eliminate costs associated with purchasing version upgrades
    Last edited by Mike The Last Boyscout; 01-19-2010 at 10:20 AM.

  3. #3
    LisaVK is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Success Story:

    "We are currently working on migrating our current shopping cart to AspDotNetStoreFront. There are so many choices out there, and we’ve come to the conclusion that AspDotNetStoreFront is the best fit for us. Right out of the box, it has a very extensive list of features that we wanted, and these will save us a lot of time since we won’t actually have to develop many of them. AspDotNetStoreFront has it all, and they just keep adding more features with every new release. For quite some time, we’ve been wanting to run the ecommerce platform’s installation on our own servers, and also be able to customize anything we dream up. Now all of this is possible because the source code is available. A big plus was the direct integration with StoneEdge Order Manager, the backend system that we’ve been using for more than 6 years. Finally, we had the chance to meet the entire AspDotNetStoreFront team last year during their conference in Las Vegas, and they’re very accessible and knowledgeable. That’s why at, we’re confident that we’ve made the right choice."

    Nicolas Dubus
    IT Director
    Last edited by Rob; 01-28-2010 at 11:07 PM.