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Thread: Offsite Product Downloads

  1. #1
    Broadwood is offline Member
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    Jan 2006

    Lightbulb Offsite Product Downloads

    Hi Guys

    My store is based on a hosted server and i'm restricted for storage space. I intend to sell downloadable mp3 files and for a while have been trying to find a way to allow the download email to point to an offsite storage area. I've recently found a way to do it by adding my own aspx page with a response.redirect and a query string thats entered into the download location box. This seems to work well and I can program various things in this pge for security purposes etc. I'd like to make this query string order specific. Is there a way I can automatically get the order number into the download location box without any aspdnsf source programming? Or can anyone think of another way to make my aspx redirect page reflect the order somehow?

    Hope this makes sense
    many thanks

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    This is going to depend on where this .aspx page is located and at which step in the order process you send the user to this .aspx page and then redirect them. Can you walk us through the steps a user would take when purchasing and then how/when they would be redirected? There are multiple ways to tackle something like this depending on how you have it set up
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>

  3. #3
    Broadwood is offline Member
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    Jan 2006


    Thanks george

    Basically i've created my own VS project and put the aspx page in the root and assembly in bin. The user orders in the normal way and recieves the download email. Because I have set download location as MyFile.aspx?Prod=Filename the link in download email becomes http://www.MySite/MyFile.aspx?Prod-Filename. When clicked, the link triggers MyFile.aspx and the logic builds the redirect URL and file extension and makes the download available. So there is no interaction with aspdnsf at all apart from the original order. This all works well but I can't prevent a user from redownloading the file

    I'm not a developer par se, i just do my own sites. I've toyed with perhaps making the download file a text file containing a link so I can lever your download file scenario and make it order specific that way but it's a double handed way of doing it i feel. I could add database logic to my aspx file but still wouldn't be able to make it order/customer specific without somehow passing the info to my page.

    I'm pretty sure there is no way i can pass information to my page in this way but was perhaps hoping you could lead me in another direction to achieve the same result. Perhaps theres a way to use a topic page for the same end thus utilising internal queries? The thing is I can't, and don't want to, manipulate aspdnsf source so i'k looking for a quick and dirty way to achieve this.

  4. #4
    Broadwood is offline Member
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    Jan 2006


    Just bumping this post in case anyone has any ideas for this

  5. #5
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    You need to be a developer and write a custom download handler (or handlers) as we have done on our own site or use/link to a third party soft goods provider that provides those additional download mgmt features.

    Download sites have 100's of unique requirements, and everyone seems to want to do it differently, so this will need custom logic and/or integration to do as you have posted.

    The cart is designed, and does know about "IsDownload" products, so the basic infrastructure for these hooks is already provided, but most need a bit of custom programming to implement the specific business logic you desire (and we support those types of mods and that's the strength of our cart platform in allowing you to do them so you're never stuck).
    Last edited by Rob; 01-18-2010 at 01:50 PM.
    Shopping Cart

  6. #6
    mbertulli is offline Senior Member
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    You'll need a custom event handler to make the check back to ASPDNSF in order to prevent further downloads. It's not a tough modification to make, but still requires some programming.
    Matthew Bertulli
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  7. #7
    mbertulli is offline Senior Member
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    And I missed Administrator's what he said!
    Matthew Bertulli
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  8. #8
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    haha. I have to still try to be faster than some of our DevNet partners, but it's getting harder and harder LOL as our DevNet partners are really quite good and on top of things.
    Shopping Cart

  9. #9
    Broadwood is offline Member
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    Jan 2006


    Thanks guys

    I did have a developer write me a download system for version 7 but when i upgraded to version 8 it didn't work. I did ask him to see if he could sort it but for some reason he couldn't. So wasted money for me.

    I could probably do it myself but I just cant afford the source code option. How much would a modification like this cost? Another question is, if a lot of users require functionality like this is there no chance it could be built into the system in a future update?.

    Is there really nothing I can do, however basic or impromptou, to implement an offsite download sytem without having to spend out vast amounts.? George did say in an earlier post that there are various ways to tackle a project like this.

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    mbertulli is offline Senior Member
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    Drop me an e-mail and we can explore a few options and the various costs involved. This shouldn't be an expensive thing to implement.
    Matthew Bertulli
    Demac Media
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