After our product import, we have a few hundred products that are not mapped to a category. Is there a way to filter products without a category?
We are running: AspDotNetStorefront ML
After our product import, we have a few hundred products that are not mapped to a category. Is there a way to filter products without a category?
We are running: AspDotNetStorefront ML
Not in that version. In our next major release, we've created 'buckets' for unpublished and unmapped products, to make finding them and working with them easier.
For your site currently, you'll have to either manually search for those products in the admin site (they'll show up in search even if not mapped) and map them to categories, or correct the import file and redo that.
You could run a quick sql query in sql management studio to get the product IDsCode:select ProductID from dbo.Product where ProductID not in (select distinct ProductID from dbo.ProductCategory)
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I'm running version with SP1 and Admin Service packs. Are there "Buckets" in my version? Is there a way I can filter to find recently uploaded products that are unmapped?
Same request here. I have done a few imports and we seem to have a bunch of orphan products now. It isn't the worst thing in the world, but the orphaned products are being published in the sitemap and people are hitting these pages, which are intended to be disabled.
I am looking for a good way to disable products that are not in a category or are in categories/departments that are unpublished.