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Thread: Multi-Store Beta Setup

  1. #1
    lesatkins is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Multi-Store Beta Setup

    Hello Folks,

    I have purchased the new multi-store beta, but I am having a little difficulty with some of the initial setup steps. I have installed the software on mt development machine, but am having trouble with setting up the actual multi-store functionality in my development environment. Does anyone here have any tips for creating and testing multiple stores in a development environment?

    My development machine is running Windows 7 Ultimate. I have the base ADNSF (multistore) running in IIS within a virtual directory. I have altered my host file to allow a couple of domain names to point to my local machine (for multiple stores). I have setup two stores within the store maintenance section of the admin tool in ADNSF. Each of those stores' development URL coincides with the respective domain names I created in my host file. If I attempt to access those newly-created URLs I am simply redirected to a default IIS7 splash page. Obviously I would desire to see the new stores from ADNSF instead at that point.

    I would appreciate any help anyone could provide regarding the setup of multi-store. Thanks in advance for you assistance!

  2. #2
    96spec is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    We were successful in setting up the multistore beta version on our development server. Can you put up what you have in your host files and how your IIS is setup?
    We're currently running on Windows XP and not 7.