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Thread: Legacy Site Coupons

  1. #1
    anikdel is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Legacy Site Coupons

    I'm just started supporting a site running version 6.2.1 (yes, I know it's old). I'm not sure if the previous developers have made any customizations to the software, so I'm nervous to upgrade. I know it's running a custom skin, but is a pretty basic store otherwise.

    The client has asked for the ability to accept coupons on the site. I can setup a coupon code just fine in the admin, but there is not place to enter the code in the site's checkout process...and I can't seem to find any config options to enable this. Is this something that needs to be built into the skin? Any other ideas?


  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    The appconfig in your version is called DisallowCoupons. When set to true, coupons cannot be used. One of the other things you should check is the customer levels you have set up in your store. Each customer level has an option to allow or disallow coupons (in the database this field is called LevelAllowsCoupons in the dbo.CustomerLevel table) and when set to 0 (disallow) any customer belonging to that customer level will be unable to use coupons.
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>

  3. #3
    anikdel is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    In my config, DisallowCoupons was set to false (allowing coupons). So that seemed correct.

    However, there are no customer levels set up in the system, which I suspect might be the problem if it defaults everyone to a Customer Level that doesn't allow coupons. If I were to set up a new customer level, would existing customers automatically assume that level, or would I have to specify each individually (or thru SQL).


  4. #4
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    For those already existed customers, you'll have to manually assign them to that customer level. As for the newly registered, you can set DefaultCustomerLevelID to that customer level, so they will be assigned to it automatically upon registration.