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Thread: Double and Single Quotes in db

  1. #1
    jamotion is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Double and Single Quotes in db

    Im adding the below to sql, but the " is showing up literally as ", instead of ".

    ExtensionData4 = '1 1/2"h x 2 3/4" w'

    Is there a way to resolve this? The main issue is the single quotes.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    When you say you're adding the below information to sql, did you mean, directly updating it without going through the admin interface or? Why aren't you just entering exactly as '1 1/2";h x 2 3/4"; w' ?

  3. #3
    jamotion is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Im updating via SQL. I have about 15 extension data for 1000 products.

    ie update product set ExtensionData = '1. Mugs are non-microwavable.<br/>2. Hand wash only.<br/>3. Due to the unique nature of ceramic material, no two mugs are exactly alike. Some variations in color and glazing are perfectly normal and are not considered defects.<br/>4. Factory must approve ar',ExtensionData3 = 'One color silk screened imprint on two sides. ',ExtensionData4 = '1 1/2&quot;h x 2 3/4&quot; w',ExtensionData2 = '50',ExtensionData15 = '72',ExtensionData10 = 'Bulk. Individually boxed.' where sku = 'XXYYXX'