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Thread: Customize Order Number Field

  1. #1
    dellend is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Customize Order Number Field


    Is there a way in which we can change the Order Number field so that it's not an "int" field, but is instead a "varchar" field. That is, can this be done through the system as it is, or would we need to make massive customizations to the database and code behind? What's happening is that when we integrate with our ERP system, we've had a few instances where the Order Numbers generated by StoreFront had been used by some of our other customers, so we'd like to add some characters to the order number to ensure that they're unique. Has anyone done this before?



  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Changing the DataType of the OrderNumber field requires a lot of modifications in the source and in the DB as well. There's nothing built-in that could do this, no.