Greetings All,
Is this an easy modification - would it need source?
Greetings All,
Is this an easy modification - would it need source?
Are you wanting to get AspDotNetStorefront to compare the RiskScore instead of the Score to the MaxMind.FailScoreThreshold appconfig parameter when determining whether or not to allow an order through? It's possible, though not recommended (MaxMind has a pretty elaborate explanation of the differences here on their site). If you're absolutely certain you want to make this change, you can do so by returning rsp.riskScore instead of rsp.scorein the MaxMindFraudCheck method in the Gateway class (ASPDNSFGateway/Gateway.cs). You'll also want to adjust the description of that appconfig parameter and adjust the default value; the RiskScore value is a number from 1 to 100 and leaving it set at 10 is comparable to having it set at 1 (when comparing it to the score).Code:return Localization.ParseUSDecimal(rsp.riskScore);
<a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>
Thanks George,
Why is it not recommended though?
Maxmind themselves recommend it - I have a lengthy email chain with them discussing this.
It looks to me like the integration was done before RiskScore even existed.
I'm not sure about the integration before the RiskScore was available (we have support built in to retrieve the RiskScore) but after reading through their descriptions of the differences between the two, coupled with our own experiences using MaxMind, it seems that the score would be better to use (we, for example, place a lot of weight on free email addresses and see the majority of our fraud from free email addresses where the RiskScore is less suspect of those). I am a bit biased I suppose because of the nature of our own integration, so if it works for your business model there really isn't a reason not to do it other than the fact that we don't have built in support for it. I'll draw up a feature request; maybe for an appconfig parameter to determine which score to compare to![]()
<a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>