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Thread: order report for Product Type

  1. #1
    cartuser is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default order report for Product Type

    Was wondering if any one had written a custom report for finding all orders by *Product Type or how one would do so...

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    Are you just looking for order numbers? In it's most basic form, you could use this
    select o.OrderNumber from dbo.Orders o with(NOLOCK)
    join dbo.Orders_ShoppingCart osc on osc.OrderNumber = o.OrderNumber
    join dbo.Product p on p.ProductID = osc.ProductID
    where p.ProductTypeID = 1
    where 1 is the product type id that you want to search on. If you're looking to pull additional information (like how many of that product were ordered per order number, or the order total, just include those in the select part of the query
    select o.OrderNumber, sum(osc.Quantity), sum(osc.OrderedProductPrice * osc.Quantity) from dbo.Orders o with(NOLOCK)
    join dbo.Orders_ShoppingCart osc on osc.OrderNumber = o.OrderNumber
    join dbo.Product p on p.ProductID = osc.ProductID
    where p.ProductTypeID = 1
    GROUP BY o.OrderNumber
    You can get the email address of the ordering customer by joining the customer table as well
    select o.OrderNumber, c.Email, sum(osc.Quantity), sum(osc.OrderedProductPrice * osc.Quantity) from dbo.Orders o with(NOLOCK)
    join dbo.Orders_ShoppingCart osc on osc.OrderNumber = o.OrderNumber
    join dbo.Customer c on c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
    join dbo.Product p on p.ProductID = osc.ProductID
    where p.ProductTypeID = 1
    GROUP BY o.OrderNumber, c.Email
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>

  3. #3
    cartuser is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    You're right George, I guess I should be more specific. I didn't really think of that. (doh!)

    There are these canned reports in the order menu: Orders by Category.
    These reports have all kinds of nice stats in them, but can't be filtered by Product Type.

    Having the ability to filter this report by Product Type would be perfect. Else, create another custom report that would have some order stats in it, like $ spent, dates, etc.