Is there anyway to achieve this with ML v8.1?
When you click on the color the picture swatches change appropriately.
Is there anyway to achieve this with ML v8.1?
When you click on the color the picture swatches change appropriately.
This is already built-in and it's working great on my local end of ML8012...![]()
Where is that function? I can't find it.
There supposed to be two swatches. One for the colors and the other one for different views. When we click on a different color the picture swatches change to match that color.
If you set appconfig: MultiColorMakesSwatchAndMap to true (see the description for details), once you've uploaded multiple image in the medium multi-image manager in the admin, the software automatically creates the swatch image and so with the swatch map code to be used for that matter.
Please take a look at the attachment of what I am talking about.
Ok. It can't be done by default, sorry. The scope of the image swatch built-in the software is limited to a single swatch image only. The color attributes are placed in the dropdown list, the product main image changes (not the swatch) once you've selected a color from the dropdown. There's more information here.
Would it be possible to use XML Packages to build something like that, or will it involve getting into code?
Well, modifying the XMLPackage wouldn't be enough. You'll need a method that would handle that behavior. The method should be able to detect the change in the drop down and act accordingly to the index change. If you have the source code, the AspDotNetStorefrontCore.ShoppingCart.GetAddToCartF orm already does that and would change the swatch image. This would require modification on the ProductImageGallery class of the same project (AspDotNetStorefrontCore) and the wolthius.aspx.cs which actually handles most of the watermarking.