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Thread: Question about Items showing in Shopping Cart

  1. #1
    mdomke is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Question about Items showing in Shopping Cart

    ASPDNSF v7.0.2.5

    I have a client who has brought to my attention several instances where strange things occur on a single computer while accessing his store front. That is, the problem happens on one computer but not another.

    For example, he just let me know that when he adds a product to his cart, that product does not show when viewing the shopping cart. So as soon as he adds a product, the shopping cart says "empty". When I try it on my computer it works as expected. He tried a second computer and it worked fine on that computer. He also has customers who have called about experiencing similar issues.

    I've asked him to clear the cache on the suspect computer but that didn't seem to fix anything for him.

    I'm curious what can be happening here and, of course, is there anything that can be done to fix it?

    I know what I've provided is very vague but currently that is all the information I have to go on as well.


  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Did you try clearing up the cookies? Customer's information including the cart information are cookied. Moreover, is it a modified build or a fresh installed one?

  3. #3
    RBrun is offline Member
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    Nov 2008


    Here is a long shot but I just had a similar situation regarding a different kind of site using OpenID... the customer had a redirect filter add-on in Firefox that was effectively eating the redirect during login. You would get where you expected to go, but would not be logged in. Disabled the add-on and all was well.

    So, you might check antivirus software, browser settings etc...


  4. #4
    Jao is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Yes, that could be a great factor affecting customer information to stay within the session. Some add-ons has the ability to tamper on-load cookies.

  5. #5
    jackson76 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Same here, think I found the issue

    We've received a lot of these issues lately through email about people getting empty carts and not being able to add items to the cart. I can replicate it on one vista machine here running explorer 7. Going from http to https explorer opens the page in a new window. And that shows an empty cart.

    This link explains security issues that force explorer to do this. I'll be looking into this today and see what I can find.