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Thread: Product Importing: Variants

  1. #1
    nina is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Product Importing: Variants


    On product importing, there's a column name Variant Name. Question: How can I add more than one Variant Name. As you can see on the admin you can add more than one variant.


    Nina Magbanua

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    You are referring to excel import, correct? There's actually a sample you could see if you'll open up the ExcelImport.xls import template under ImportFileSamples folder.

    Here's also a sample below:
    HTML Code:
    ProductName	ProductTypeID	Manufacturer	Distributor (ML Only Feature)	Category1	Category2	Category3	Category4	Section1	Section2	Section3	Section4	Summary	Description	SEKeywords	SEDescription	SETitle	SKU	ManufacturerPartNumber	XmlPackage	ColWidth	SalesPromptID	Published	RequiresRegistration	RelatedProducts	MiscText	TrackInventoryBySizeAndColor	TrackInventoryBySize	TrackInventoryByColor	IsAKit	IsAPack	PackSize	ImageFilenameOverride	ExtensionData	SEAltText		VariantName	IsDefaultVariant	SKUSuffix	ManufacturerPartNumber	Description	SEKeywords	SEDescription	SETitle	Price	SalePrice	MSRP	Cost	Weight	Dimensions	Inventory	DisplayOrder	Colors	ColorSKUModifiers	Sizes	SizeSKUModifiers	IsTaxable	IsShipSeparately	IsDownload	DownloadLocation	Published	ImageFilenameOverride	ExtensionData	SEAltText
    (text field)	(text name of Product Type)	(text name of manufacturer)	(text name of distributor)	xpath of 1st category mapping	xpath of 2nd category mapping	xpath of 3rd category mapping	xpath of 4th category mapping	xpath of 1st section mapping	xpath of 2nd section mapping	xpath of 3rd section mapping	xpath of 4th section mapping	text field	text field	text field	text field	text field	text field	text field	name of xmlpackage driver	integer field	integer field	1 or 0	1 or 0	comma separated list of product names	text field	1 or 0	1 or 0 (this field is not used anymore!)	1 or 0 (this field is not used anymore!)	1 or 0	1 or 0	integer or blank					text field	1 or 0, only ONE should be set to 1 per product	text field	text field	text field	text field	text field	text field	decimal field	decimal field	decimal field	decimal field	decimal field (lbs)	text field	integer field	integer field	text field, comma separated list	text field, comma separated list	text field, comma separated list	text field, comma separated list	1 or 0	1 or 0	1 or 0	text field	1 or 0			
    Excel Product 2	Generic Product	MadeByUs, Inc.	Dist2	/cat1/cat1-1/cat-1-1-2	/Books			/Cool Stuff				Not Used On Site Anywhere	This is the description for the Excel Product 2				xls2	excel part 2	product.variantsinrightbar.xml.config	4	1	1	0			0	0	0	0	0						V1	0	-v1						9.95	8.95											1	0	0		1			
    Excel Product 2	Generic Product	MadeByUs, Inc.	Dist2	/cat1/cat1-1/cat-1-1-2	/Books			/Cool Stuff				Not Used On Site Anywhere	This is the description for the Excel Product 2				xls2	excel part 2	product.variantsinrightbar.xml.config	4	1	1	0			0	0	0	0	0						V2	1	-v2						19.95	18.95											1	0	0		1			
    Excel Product 2	Generic Product	MadeByUs, Inc.	Dist2	/cat1/cat1-1/cat-1-1-2	/Books			/Cool Stuff				Not Used On Site Anywhere	This is the description for the Excel Product 2				xls2	excel part 2	product.variantsinrightbar.xml.config	4	1	1	0			0	0	0	0	0						V3	0	-v3						29.95	28.95											1	0	0		1			

  3. #3
    nina is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Yes, I saw it but what i mean is that can I add more that one variant on a product?

  4. #4
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Yes, you can add more than one variant for a product using the Excel Product Import feature...

  5. #5
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Absolutely. That's exactly the sample I've pasted above does. It shows adding three variants in 'Excel Product 2', you just need to make sure that the product fields (e.g. productname, sku,ProductTypeID, etc) are the same so it won't append/update any field in the product table. Why not try to import ExcelImport.xls instead and see that it's adding multiple variants on Excel Product 2?