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Thread: Backup and Disaster Recovery

  1. #1
    ram is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Backup and Disaster Recovery

    Currently, we have our server in our office and it's scheduled to do a backup twice a week but we would like to have another copy at home or another place and would like that to be automated too. How could we do this? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Sure, you could do that simply create a full backup of your database, restore that .bak file to your new database, then copy the store site files. Tie a virtual directory and that's it. You have your own copy of your site in another workstation. Or, perhaps this is what you need:
    Automated SQL Server Backup

    If I got it all wrong, please feel free to clarify...
    Last edited by Jao; 12-01-2009 at 07:10 PM.

  3. #3
    ram is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2007


    What I meant was, we would like to have a backup copy at home or another location. The backup should be made in two locations, one in the office which is already done and another at the new location (off-site). How could we automate the off-site backup?

  4. #4
    Amazing is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008


    1) As Jao said.. you can use an automated solution which does the backup, and FTP's it to another location on schedule (2nd link in the footer of his msg).

    2) You could use two copies of SQL, and do log shipping.. but this will require more knowledge of SQL and networking to ensure the proper ports are open between the two systems.

    3) You could just schedule your local SQL backupups to be backed up either using an online backup service (like previously mentioned) or somerhing like Idrive ( which offers a CDP type solution, on-demand, or scheduled backup at a reasonable price.

  5. #5
    ram is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Thank you. Could you also tell me which spam filter is good for exchange server 2003? Should we buy a third party spam filter or go with the built-in exchange filter? Also, if we go for a third party software, do we need to buy license for each user?

  6. #6
    Amazing is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008


    How is this related to Storefront? Are you using it to send mail? These days I'd say use a hosted solution as they are so cheap now. You can get 4-6 GB mailboxes from $5-9 mo, complete with spam filtering, OWA etc. In that same regards go with 2007... the features are even better, and you'll still be paying the $5-9 mo per mailbox, with out any headaches. After being a mail admin for nearly 15 years (and knowing this is one less headache) it is pretty much a no brainer... Thats my take :-) If you really want a good spam solution, software really isn't going to cut it.. you'll need an appliance like Barracuda. There are a lot of other cheap solutions like GFI, but you'll pay for it in the long run, with headaches, lost mail, and irate customers. Just my 0.02.