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Thread: Add To Cart button disappear after importing a production through WSI

  1. #1
    laomao is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Add To Cart button disappear after importing a production through WSI

    I exported a product from my development site and imported into my production site through WSI. Everything looks normal except that the Quantity box and "Add to cart" button disappeared.

    In other word the function aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, 0, 'left') in the xmlPackage returns " ".

    I compared the records in productVariant between the 2 databases and realized that there are several fields in the production db are empty (a space or something?)whereas those in the development db are NULLs. Looks like WSI somehow fails to retain a NULL value during an import and export process.

    Any idea?

    PS: I am using the RestrictedQuanantities feature so that quantity box is actually a dropdodwn list.

  2. #2
    Mike The Last Boyscout is offline User
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    If you want to leave an existing value in the db alone, just omit the field from your Xml (e.g. if you do not have a <Description></Description> field on your update, that field will remain unchanged in the db, even when other fields get updated).

    It sounds like you may've left some empty Xml nodes in the import, which changed them to an empty value instead of leaving them as NULL, which would explain this. Please check your import to see, and remove any empty Xml nodes.