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Thread: Monogramming Option

  1. #1
    guptaat is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Monogramming Option

    We offer Monogramming services on select item we sell.

    Is there an elegant way of offering Monogrmming for a flat fee of $5.00 per item.

    I know I can create variant but that means # of variants will double and it will be confusing listing same item twice. And this option means I gotto do this manually for all products.

    Other option I know is of order option but then its one charge per order. I would like it to be $5.00 per item that they want to embroider.

    Additional customer should be able to tell what they want to monogram on it. If possible maybe font and color choices

    anybody has any suggestions or ideas on how to do this?


  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Well, other than order option. Kit Product could also extend a helping hand; however, if that doesn't suit your requirement, you could modify the code to place an order option to each line item.

  3. #3
    guptaat is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Monogramming Option: Kits

    If I understand kits proerly, then they do NOT allow variants, right??

    The way I have products organized is that similar products, which we think people are likely to buy at the same time are variants.

    E.g. Backpacks: All backpacks are organized under a product as variants.

    If I understand it correctly then I can NOT have kits at variant level.

    If I want to use KIt for monogramming option then I will have to break each variant out as an individual product.

    Am I correct?
