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Thread: Removing word from product

  1. #1
    deanfp is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Removing word from product


    I've ran this code that adds a "Buy One Get One Free" after each product for a supplier but does anyone know how to remove the words?

    update Product set Name = Name + ' (Buy One Get One Free)',
    SKU = SKU + 'Z'
    where ProductID in (select ProductID from ProductManufacturer
    where ManufacturerID = 28)

  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Well, you can try this script:
    DECLARE @len int
    SET @len = LEN('(Buy One Get One Free)')
    SELECT @len
    UPDATE p SET p.[Name] = Name + SUBSTRING(Name, (@len+1), len(p.Name) - @len)
    FROM Product p
    WHERE p.Name like '%(Buy One Get One Free)'
    Please ensure a full-backup of your database prior to any change for safety...