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Thread: Inventory Control

  1. #1
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Inventory Control

    Im a little confused on inventory.

    First, I understand inventory is reduced when an order is CAPTURED, but i've changed it to be when an order is AUTHORIZED.

    Having said that, here is the issue.

    PRODUCT A - Variant Small (4 in stock)

    Customer John adds 4 to his cart.

    Can Customer Bob also add 4 since inventory isnt reduced until CAPTURE?

    And here is the issue. We had a customer call and say they couldnt add to the cart, they got a popup saying the quantity exceeded the inventory level. We checked and we did in fact show quantity 4 in stock, so why couldnt he add it? When we tried we too could not add it. I close my browser and opened a new one and then we could add it.

    Just very odd. Any thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    Dusty is offline Member
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    Jun 2009


    In answer to your question, no we don't check inventory against shopping carts which have not yet become orders. If such isn't reported often it may well have been a user error by your customer, lest your customization attempts to account for shopping cart quantities there's nothing in the Storefront which would offer said alert unless the requested quantity was over stock.

    AspDotNetStorefront Staff

  3. #3
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2009


    Ok, thanks Dusty.

    Can we take this a step further?

    Product A, Variant Small (4 in stock).

    What happens if two people add 4 to their cart and begin checkout? The first one to complete the order would reduce the stock. Is there a check in the cart to alert the other user that it is now out of stock?

  4. #4
    Dusty is offline Member
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    Jun 2009


    There's an additional check on the ShoppingCart.aspx page that checks the inventory and reduces where appropriate. It's theoretically possible for two customers going through the checkout process with the same items at the same time to create issues, though in that scenario you'd end up with two valid orders and an inventory level equal to a negative number.

    AspDotNetStorefront Staff

  5. #5
    Richnyc30 is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009

    Default It's an e-commerce store

    The inventory problem is actually ignored for good reason: multiple customers desiring the same item in amounts that lead to negetive inventory are actually rare. Also, the customer is supposed to complete the order process, not leaving any backorders around.
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