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Thread: How do I get taxes by post code to work

  1. #1
    tbadowski is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default How do I get taxes by post code to work

    I have USPS validation setup, to verify shipping addresses.
    So, the shipping address is set to ZIP+4 (44139-1234)

    I entered a tax rate for the 5 digit zip code (44139) but, the checkout doesn't show any tax... If I truncate the zip to 5 digits, the tax does show.

    It looks like ASPDNSF is not truncating the customer zip to 5 digits (or searching with a wildcard (44139%);

    I can't load all 9,999 permutations for each zip -
    > It's impractical
    > The Tax entry screen will only accept 5 digits.

    How do I get TAXES BY POST CODE to work?

  2. #2
    Dusty is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    You are correct in that Storefront does not truncate down to five when determining taxes. This is because there are actually areas where the tax is different in post codes that vary only by the +4. There are two relatively simple ways you can deal with, either modify the tax lookup code to truncate down to five, which might be problematic if you ever run into the rare but still valid scenario I mentioned previously. Alternatively, you can add a trigger to your address table such that when a new address is added with Zip +4, if the Zip +4 doesn't exist in the the tax table, create an entry for it base on the five digit zip.

    AspDotNetStorefront Staff