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Thread: advice for modified site

  1. #1
    doktorhallam is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default advice for modified site

    hi all, i have a quick question (well, maybe not so quick)...

    i have been running a storefront for the last 7 months, live, with many ups and downs (codewise anyways).

    i have the installation in three locations, on a local dev machine, on a test environment server, and on the production server. i work changes locally, promote them to test, then to production. the way things are supposed to work, right? well, my problem is that i have never in all this time been able to debug or step through this thing, because i have always gotten so many errors from vs(2008 pro) when i attempt to build. this site has had massive adjustments, i have inherited the shoppingcart.vb, the gateways.vb, and several other elements to do many custom processes with different types of coupons, pricing, display, discounts, etc.

    to this point, i have always made a change locally, moved it to test, ran the website, then checked my server's application event log. this has been my method of debugging. i am encountering issues now where i need to step through the code and locate some complex inconsistencies in the app's calculation of subtotals, taxes, saleprices, etc.

    a large majority of the errors i faced when previously trying to build were my own inexperience, and have been cleaned up. i am actually finally able to build, debug, and step through the code locally now. but when i do, on every page load, vs comes up with about 12-15 jscript errors (mostly to do with the component art menu, a couple to do with an outside jscript menu that i added), and when i get through ingoring all the errors, the pages load and function normally except neither jscript nor component art menu display at all. i am also without my css stylings. these things make it very difficult to try and work with this thing in debug mode.

    additionally, when i watch the output window during build and debug stepping, i am seeing nonstop null reference exceptions from the various dll libraries (common, core, etc) that i have never touched, and in the mscorlib.dll (which i assume are being caused by calls to standard .net functions).

    i realize that the first step out of the box should have been to install locally and build! but, can anyone offer any advice on how to attempt to proceed with this beast now that i am where i am?

    ok, so maybe not so quick. any help is GREATLY appreciated to untangle this mess.
    Last edited by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott; 11-04-2009 at 12:52 PM.

  2. #2
    doktorhallam is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    perhaps i should clear up a bit and rephrase what specifically i am asking:

    1) does anybody know any specific reason why visual studio (in debug mode) would not access or apply the stylesheets?

    2) has anybody had similar problems with the component art (horizontal menu) while building/debugging through visual studio? is there some process of registering client rights for any of the included component art files that visual studio requires? i did not have to do anything like this when installing on the two servers.

    these two items are of primary concern. the output window errors i think have a lot to do with problematic code that is calling functions from the various compiled .dll's, and i can and will try and slowly track these down.

    thanks again for any assistance or insight.