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Thread: Missing Page In Back Office

  1. #1
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Harlow / Essex / UK

    Exclamation Missing Page In Back Office

    In the back office we could make products with multiple variants as shown on this page:

    The variant has two parts to it. The colour and then the kw. This changes the SKU as such.

    However in version 8 we can no longer do this. The link in the back office no is a dead link and takes the user to a 404 page
    The link (button) is shown in the screen shot.

    I checked for the file manually and found it is not there. The button is linking to:
    Custom/ProductOptions/generateProductOptionCombinations.aspx?productid=7 61

    however I can not find the custom folder. It would seem these files were removed in the update. Should they be there? How can I get them back? Who would I need to contact?

    Thanks for your time and help.

    Edit: We have found the file however we get an error when we try and access the page
    CS0103: The name 'DB' does not exist in the current context

    The line in question causing the error is
    using (IDataReader drAllOptions = DB.GetRS("SELECT productOptionId, parentProductOptionId FROM Custom_ProductOption WHERE ProductId=" + DB.SQuote(productId) + " AND parentProductOptionId <> 0 ORDER BY parentProductOptionId"))

    Any help on this? Thanks. (The error is in the C# as shown)
    Last edited by DotNetDevelopments; 10-28-2009 at 06:15 AM. Reason: progress
    Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront MSx
    Execution Mode: 64 Bit
    Dot Net Developments - E-commerce By Experience

  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    I'm afraid it's not out of the box on ML8011. You probably did a customization project on that version. You will then need to review your customization documentation if you have one or you may talk this over with your developer...