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Thread: Two shopping cart items

  1. #1
    babslimo is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Carolina

    Default Two shopping cart items

    We'd like to customize the default shopping cart in two ways:

    1. Use "Add to Cart" buttons instead of a checkboxes for each Upsell item
    2. Put an update button with each line item (next to each "Delete" button) in the Cart review area, rather than one "Update button" for the entire table.

    Can anyone comment on the complexity/feasibility of either of these items? Anything we need to consider/avoid? Thanks!
    Annette L. Fowler
    Beacon Technologies

  2. #2
    Dusty is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Both of these tasks should be relatively simple to accomplish.

    For your first example the simplest way would be to change the checkboxes to hidden inputs. Then add an "Add to Cart" button which assigns the appropriate value to the hidden input and calls the postback function identical to the existing "Update Cart" button.

    For your second task you can use a similar approach but there's no need to hide existing inputs. Just add a button that calls the same postback as the existing "Update Cart" button.

    ASPDotNetStorefront Staff

  3. #3
    babslimo is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Carolina

    Default Thanks!

    Awesome, thanks! We'll give it a try!
    Annette L. Fowler
    Beacon Technologies