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Thread: Different Localization on Product Page

  1. #1
    BloomerBeak is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Davao City

    Default Different Localization on Product Page

    Hi Guys,

    Is having a different locale setting for product page alone supported by AspDotNetStorefront? Like I have an English locale on my entire site. But when going to product page,, I want the locale to be French. Then when I leave the page, the locale is then again English.

    Is this possible?

    I thought of changing the link on the code and use However, when I leave the page, the site will now be French.

    Can someone help me with this? Thank you very much.
    Web Developer

  2. #2
    Dusty is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    The Storefront has nothing built and that would accomplish this but such could be accomplished relatively easily. You're simplest approach would be to do some customizations to the ShowProduct.aspx page. In either the constructor or the OnInit event for the page, check to see if the product in question is one for which you wish to have a custom locale. If yes, change to the relevant locale, render as normal, and reset the local on the destructor or the Page_Unload event.

    ASPDotNetStorefront Staff

  3. #3
    BloomerBeak is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Davao City


    Thanks, Sir Dusty...It worked! Better than what I had in mind.
    Web Developer