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Thread: ADNSF is modifying my code......

  1. #1
    BFG 9000 is offline Senior Member
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    South UK

    Default ADNSF is modifying my code......

    Greetings All,

    I'm trying my level best to produce W3C Vaild code.
    I realise I'm unlikely to get there completely, as ADNSF doesn't output valid code - but as I say, I'm trying my best.

    I've spotted some annoyances........

    1. If I have the following in an xmlpackage :-

    HTML Code:
    <input value="1" type="text" id="qty_{ProductID}" />
    then what actually gets output to the browser is this :-

    HTML Code:
    <input value="1" type="text" id="qty_1234">
    Note that the tag is no longer self closing.
    No problem I thought, I'll simply change it to :-

    HTML Code:
    <input value="1" type="text" id="qty_{ProductID}"></input>
    But..... it again gets changed to :-

    HTML Code:
    <input value="1" type="text" id="qty_1234">

    What I ended up doing was (& it's ugly) this :-

    which outputs it correctly.

    I also had the same issue with self closing break tags & had to use this :-



  2. #2
    StokesWebDevelopment is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Walnut Cove, NC


    Or in the xml package you can change
    <xsl:output method="html"
    <xsl:output method="xml"
    if you are trying for xhtml strict.
    Randall Moore | Web Developer
    Stokes Web Development