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Thread: Using Customers FedEx Account

  1. #1
    jazzloft99 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Using Customers FedEx Account

    Is there any way to allow customers to use their own FedEx or UPS accounts when selecting their shipping methods?

  2. #2
    Dusty is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Currently there's nothing in the suite that supports such but it could be accomplished with relatively simple customizations. Initially you'll need to gather the UPS/FedEx account information to the customer creation step and dependent upon your order fulfillment process possibly add it to the receipt.

    Your next steps would depend on how you wanted the shipping to manifest. If you have no need to show the shipping costs to the customer then you would set all your products to (effectively) free shipping. If you do need to show the customer the shipping rates during the order process it gets a little trickier. You'd need to modify the RealTime Shipping to pass the customer credentials and modify the cart logic to exclude the shipping costs from the total.

    Hope that helps,

    ASPDotNetStorefront Staff