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Thread: Failed Registration

  1. #1
    George Mitchell is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Failed Registration

    Is there any way to tell if someone tried to register but it failed?

  2. #2
    MarkC is offline Developer
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    not built-in no, but that would also depend on what you mean by "failed to register".
    Could it be that the customer reached the register page, failed to enter appropriate fields accordingly and just left off or an internal error upon creating the record, etc..
    In any case, you would need to customize the createaccount.aspx page for that.

  3. #3
    George Mitchell is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ASPDNSF Staff - Mark View Post
    not built-in no, but that would also depend on what you mean by "failed to register".
    Could it be that the customer reached the register page, failed to enter appropriate fields accordingly and just left off or an internal error upon creating the record, etc..
    In any case, you would need to customize the createaccount.aspx page for that.
    I am not sure what occurred since I got this from a customer with out much in the way of details. My guess is that it was a user malfunction of some sort. Thanks for the quick reply, Mark. I suspected this would not be a standard feature. I’ll tell the customer this is a customizing issue. I doubt that they would want to finance that.