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Thread: Upgrade question about new URL format

  1. #1
    lawrence.mier is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Upgrade question about new URL format

    Recently I upgraded from V7 to v8 and noticed that the URL format of the product pages are different This is problematic because we have a custom control that depends on the previous URL format.

    In V7 product pages were:

    "pc-[product number]-[category number]-[product name].aspx"

    In V8 product pages are:

    "p-[product number]-[product name.aspx]"

    It is also important that we preserve this url structure because all of our cached pages in the search engines have the v7 format and we don't want to have to setup a bunch of redirects if we don't have to before pushing live. Please let us know how we can elegantly modify AspDNSF without modifying the back-end code in SE.cs etc.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by lawrence.mier; 10-19-2009 at 01:03 PM.

  2. #2
    MarkC is offline Developer
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    The reason for dropping the old style format is with regards to SEO, for the product pages to get better ranking as the url stays consistent, as opposed to having multiple urls but basically serving the same content but just accessed from different entities.
    Accessing the product page will still work, although it will resolve to the new format via a 301 redirect. If the url is already indexed by google, it will be updated later on once it gets a 301.
    In support of this, we'll also be adding support for canonicalization in future releases.

  3. #3
    siotw is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Duplicate Content Issues with Category Sub-Pages

    I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the duplicate content that's created with Category sub-pages. There are far too many products to list them all on a single category page so we sub-pages are created.

    For example:

    The problem with the sub-pages is that they utilize the exact same "Search Engine" meta data as the Main category page, creating a duplicate content issue that's really hurting our ranking ability.

    All of the sub pages have the same Summary, Description and Search Engine data.

    In order to do that, I'd like to place a tag inside the <head> section of the duplicate content sub-page URLs:

    <link rel="canonical" href="" />

    How can I do this specifically for category sub-pages?