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Thread: ASPDNSF 7.0 and PayPal - empty token on live transactions?

  1. #1
    rpeters83 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default ASPDNSF 7.0 and PayPal - empty token on live transactions?

    I'm taking a project off the hands of a past developer and trying to get PayPal express to work for checkout.

    The buttons are there and the settings seem to be there. When I turn live transactions off, it SEEMS to be working, and it takes me to the sandbox URL and when analyzing the redirect string, it contains a token ID (

    However, when I turn on live transactions, I notice that the token is empty and I just get .

    I'm not really sure where to start looking. I think if I get an idea of where to start checking for things, I can take it from there. I have not used PayPal much before though know the basics of what is required. This is version I can provide any info needed. Thanks!

  2. #2
    rpeters83 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    anyone? can an invalid usename, password, signature, or businessID cause a blank token to be generated? thanks.