In a recent post I readd that by changing the AppConfig ShowSubcatsInGrid to true for your sub categories to be displayed as thumbnails instead of list.
How could I change it so instead of using an thumbnail size image I can use a medium size image?
In a recent post I readd that by changing the AppConfig ShowSubcatsInGrid to true for your sub categories to be displayed as thumbnails instead of list.
How could I change it so instead of using an thumbnail size image I can use a medium size image?
came across another post that cleared this up
Please check and change the value of AppConfig: CategoryImg_icon, set it accordingly.
After changing the categoryImg_icon to 250x250
and changing the display format to entity.grid.xml.config
the size is still the original icon size of 160x25
what am I doing wrong?
I came across another post that explained what the full steps are. Just because you change the size of th categoryImg_icon it will not change the image size instantly. You then musth upload those images again for the new settings to take effect.
So remember first change the CategoryImg_Icon size and then reupload the images for those category. Also consider haveing the original size of these images the same before uploading and making these changes because then it does not look good.
thanks and consider this post closed.
Open the Xml your using for your category in the root\XmlPackages folder(ex. entity.gridwithprices.xml.config) and then look for this line of code(Line 179):
<xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LookupEntityImage(EntityID, $EntityName, 'icon', 0, $AltText)" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
change it to:
<xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LookupEntityImage(EntityID, $EntityName, 'medium', 0, $AltText)" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
This would avoid resizing your icon image to a medium size image.