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Thread: Quality 100 not really 100

  1. #1
    JacobL is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Quality 100 not really 100


    The type of products on my website rely completely on the quality of the image to sell. We take pictures of all our products with a SLR camera and macro lens. The pictures have a lot of detail and color and aspdnsf compresses a lot of the quality even with quality appconfig set on 100. I realize that the thumbnails are getting resized so obviously they aren't going to look as sharp, but I'm trying to atleast keep the original "large" image from being compressed at all.

    The pictures I upload for my products are the same resolution as my large image appconfig setting so the large image shouldn't be getting resized. I upload them through the aspdnsf panel. When I look at my original images side by side with the ones uploaded to the store it is a pretty big difference in quality, less sharp and some color shift. Is there any way to keep my images from losing any quality once uploaded?

  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Loading a high-resolution images poses a problem to the load speed or performance of your site. Therefore, the image upload feature of ASPDNSF keeps it to its standard but not minimal (jpg, gif, png) resolution; however, you could use the Image Filename override if you intend to use the original resolution but of the same dimension in line with the AppConfig settings.

  3. #3
    rpaa is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I find that I get the best quality when I don't rely on the system to resize the images for me. Instead, I upload the icon, medium and large files manually and over-ride the resize option. That way, the images are exactly how I want them. Plain and simple