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Thread: Problems with Dev Site

  1. #1
    deanfp is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Problems with Dev Site


    We are moving the site from our live server to our new server and have installed a copy of the site on a Dev server for testing.

    So far the following has been completed

    • Copy of SQL database installed
    • Copy of VB database installed
    • Dev Key installed
    • All permissions on image folder set up
    • Virtual Directory created.
      Copy of latest website files taken from FTP and copied to web folder

    The website is looking similar to our live site with the exception of an issue with the skin but it looks ok to test.

    However when I try to select a product, page or manufacturer I get constant errors, an example is

    I have no support tickets to discuss with ASDNSF so doing this totally blind. By connecting the SQL DB to the lates Web Files I thought that this would work but there is obviously a connection error somewhere.

    Also when I try and copy over the following Files and directories I get the following errors

    App_Code - Inherits UsernameTokenManager

    default.aspx_vb - BC30451: Name 'ExternalFeedTools' is not declared.

    Any feedback would be great!!!

  2. #2
    deanfp is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Also you can see that the top login details are not titled correctly. Compared to our lvie site

    Update - Made some progress. It is now just the connection to the product, category and manufacturer pages that is the issue (as in the image) and also the skin still looks wrong. Almost there....
    Last edited by deanfp; 10-01-2009 at 04:50 AM.

  3. #3
    deanfp is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009


    All fixed and testing complete!

    As a novice who has never migrated a SQL DB and have had no training or experience in ADNSF it has been a very learning experience setting up and completing this dev site. I have learned a lot.

    If anyone is going to set up a dev site and needs any help then please just let me know. Maybe the things I have learned can help.