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Thread: Call to order unable to process as phone order

  1. #1
    jasont is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Call to order unable to process as phone order

    Some items on my site are listed as call to order. When the customer calls and you go through the phone order process you still cannot process an order with these items as the call to order text is still shown when acting like a customer. Is there a setting Im missing that will allow the admin acting as a customer in the phone order entry be able to actually add these items to the shopping cart? Thank you for any help,

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    When you do a phone order, you see the site exactly as the customer would, that's intentional.

    What you generally do if you want to place those orders through the shopping cart is either temporarily turn off the 'Call to Order' option on those products, or have identical products that are 'hidden' (not mapped to any entities) so customers don't find them, that your phone reps can go to directly and add to the customer's cart through the phone order module.

  3. #3
    jasont is offline Member
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott View Post
    When you do a phone order, you see the site exactly as the customer would, that's intentional.

    What you generally do if you want to place those orders through the shopping cart is either temporarily turn off the 'Call to Order' option on those products, or have identical products that are 'hidden' (not mapped to any entities) so customers don't find them, that your phone reps can go to directly and add to the customer's cart through the phone order module.
    How would you make the same item that is not mapped to anything not be visible on the front side but still visible through the phone order module when you just explained above you are acting as the customer with a view from the front side?

  4. #4
    cksite is offline Senior Member
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    I'm wondering the same. I just tried the scenario:

    What you generally do if you want to place those orders through the shopping cart is have identical products that are 'hidden' (not mapped to any entities) so customers don't find them, that your phone reps can go to directly and add to the customer's cart through the phone order module.

    And it's not visible to the phone order rep as it is not to the user.

    Perhaps the solution is to add another admin use only "Customer Level", map the hidden products to that level, and temporarily change the customers level to Admin only customer level, place the order then change it back.?

  5. #5 is offline Member
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    aspdnsf: Isn't that a problem in the system that you allow direct link to add item like Customer just can go to the page of product with Call To Order button, lookup Variant ID thru HTML View Source and then use it to addtocart.aspx?variantid=12345 and bypass Call To Order ?