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Thread: Question about shopping cart and other pages

  1. #1
    MudDiver is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Question about shopping cart and other pages

    Pushed our site live today and Murphey's law being what it is we started getting an error that has not popped up before and I have no idea how to even address it. On the shopping cart page I am getting the following error:

    CS1729: 'EventHandler' does not contain a constructor that takes '1' arguments

    on this line:

    btnContinueShoppingTop.Click += new EventHandler(btnContinueShoppingTop_Click);

    We entered so many test orders over the last few months that it is really bizzare that this error would suddently pop up. Any ideas?

    (We have rolled back to our old site until this can be resolved.)
    Jason Giles
    IT Manager / Web Services
    WTS Media

  2. #2
    MudDiver is offline Member
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    May 2009


    Here are some other odd things, I was getting this error earlier on my dev site it turns out but not on the staging or live site. Now I am not getting it on my dev site (after opening shoppingcart.aspx.cs and resaving it) but pushing it to the live site had no affect. I went into IIS and stopped and restarted the live site and now I am not getting the error?!? Could this be some sort of compiling issue?
    Jason Giles
    IT Manager / Web Services
    WTS Media

  3. #3
    DanV's Avatar
    DanV is offline Ursus arctos horribilis
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    It sounds to me like you are mixing code from different versions of the software. We haven't run into this issue at all. I would recommend retracing your steps prior to your last recompilation.

  4. #4
    MudDiver is offline Member
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    May 2009


    Well it keeps happening and the last time simply stopping and starting the site didn't solve it. When you mean differant versions of the software are you referring to the actual software version? We have only owned one version. Our Dev, Stage and live site are all the same in that regard. It seems like everytime I push a page out now this problem crops up and then I go into a crazy mess of starting and stopping sites, repushing files until it suddenly starts working. I can't seem to find any method to the madness on this. As of right now my staging site has the problem but the dev and the live do not, I am afraid to push updates to the live site now because I am afraid it will go down again.

    The only option I know of at this point if this keeps happening will be to remove the buttons on the shopping cart and code the events myself since the error appears when it tries to create the event for the button.

    btnContinueShoppingTop.Click += new EventHandler(btnContinueShoppingTop_Click);

    Very odd.
    Last edited by MudDiver; 09-16-2009 at 08:13 AM.
    Jason Giles
    IT Manager / Web Services
    WTS Media

  5. #5
    MudDiver is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Has anyone else encountered this? I am still having this problem, to resolve it I do some wierd dance between rebuilding the ASPDNSF classes and stopping and restarting the web server until the page finally appears. It seems totally random as to when this will occur as I have not modified any of the classes that seems to be the problem, in extremem circumstances I have to manually delete all of the dll's out of the bin directory and then rebuild them to get the site to work. This happens on different servers as well as my dev site is on a completely different server from my staging and live site and this problem pops up on all three. To trigger this all I have to do is change a page and save it to the site but sometimes the problem occurs and other times it does not. Very confusing and ANY help would be appreciated as it is a big waste of time to try and trick the site into running correctly everytime this pops up.

    Jason Giles
    IT Manager / Web Services
    WTS Media