I was able to get FirstData (linkpoint/Yourpay) gateway to work with Server 2008 (x64 and x32 [although the app will only run in 32bit])
The most recent version doesn't use the COM object which doesn't seem to work with Server 2008.
I was using the current version fine with Server 2003. However, after upgrading to 2008 I had to figure out a way to get it to work.
If you haven't chosen a gateway yet and you can get a comparable rate with another gateway, do it. Do not use Firstdata / Linkpoint / Yourpay gateway.
If you are like me and have a no choice or just like a good challenge here are the steps I took to get it working.
By rolling back to the version that uses the COM object you are able to get it working.
Download these 3 files here:
First off you need to follow the directions in the manual to get OpenSSL installed and setup your AppConfigs.
You need to place LpiCom_6_0.dll in the C:\windows\sysWOW64 directory.
Then open the command prompt
Run: cd c:\windows\syswow64
Run: regsvr32 lpicom_6_0.dll
Next we need to remove ipssl.dll from the bin directory of your application
Copy and Overwrite LinkPointTransaction.dll and Interop.Lipcom_6.0Lib.dll into your bin directory
Finally, You need to set your IIS application pool to run 32 bit.
(how to set 32bit:
http://west-wind.net/Weblog/posts/1317.aspx (read most recent comments)
http://www.dragonlights.net/DragonLi...=4&t=233&p=233 (Where to find the files)