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Thread: Customer Xml Export

  1. #1
    dostind is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Customer Xml Export

    When I am click on export to xml for customer I am getting following fields only
    First Name, Last name,Email,Created On.
    How to get more?

    Please help.

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    You would have to modify the admin/cst_export.aspx.cs(.aspx.vb) file to write additional elements out. The datareader already has all information from the customer table available, so you would just have to add a new line for each element that you wanted returned. For example, if you wanted to pull the customer level ID you could use
    writer.WriteElementString("CustomerLevelID", DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "CustomerLevelID"));
    Alternatively, you could use WSI to retrieve the customer information, and if you wanted use an xmlpackage to format the data so that only the nodes you wanted were present. To pull customers using WSI you would use
      <GetCustomer GetAll="true"/>
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  3. #3
    jsimacek is offline Senior Member
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    Phoenix, AZ


    Dostind you can contact Jan at if you would like help with any modifications.
    Jan Simacek - Compunix, LLC
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