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Thread: Level discount / extended price question

  1. #1
    belvario is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Level discount / extended price question

    We're running and we're seeing the following issue:

    We have a customer level set up with a blanket 30% discount, and it's set to not apply the discount on top of extended prices.

    We have a few products with extended prices set for this customer level (equivalent to 15% discount). Most products don't have extended prices and just (correctly) get the 30% discount.

    On the product page, the level price is showing up as 30% off (rather than the extended price) for products with the extended prices set - but in the cart at checkout, the correct (15% off) extended price is being used instead... seems like a bug - it should show the extended price on the product page. Was this fixed after


  2. #2
    belvario is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Bump - we're still having this issue, never got a reply. Nothing fancy going on here - just a customer level with a 30% discount, and then a product with an extended price - the 30% discount shows up on the product page, but the extended price shows up in the cart. We didn't modify any code, this is straight up code. Just want to know if this is a known issue that was fixed in a later build, or if there is a workaround - it's clearly a bug.