Has anybody ever used ASPDotNetStorefront for a real estate/property catalog site? We LOVE ASPDotNetStorefront, but aren't sure if this is a good fit for this client... Thanks for thoughts!
Has anybody ever used ASPDotNetStorefront for a real estate/property catalog site? We LOVE ASPDotNetStorefront, but aren't sure if this is a good fit for this client... Thanks for thoughts!
Yes, the AspDotNetStorefront can be easily suited for that application. Basically with some extra fields and XmlPackages, anything is possible with this system!
Contact Jan at jsimacek@compunix.us if you would like a quote for your requirements.
Jan Simacek - Compunix, LLC
AspDotNetStorefront trusted Devnet Partner and Reseller since 2005
AspDotNetStorefront Mods and Add-Ons at http://www.ecommercecartmods.com/
- Searching, Filtering and Sorting (like cSearch, Dealer Locator, Price Ranges, Blog)
- Reports (like Cart Abandonment and Net Sales)
- Customer Experience (like Question/Answers)
- Site and Data Management (like Entity Product Mapper, Bulk Updaters, Make/Model/Year filters)