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Thread: Free gift when you hit a certain amount

  1. #1
    ram is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2007

    Default Free gift when you hit a certain amount

    Hi, we would like to setup a promotion on our website. If a customer buys for $50 he will get ProductID 10001 as a free gift, for $75 - ProductID 15001 and more than $100 - ProductID 12345. The free gift should automatically show in the cart when they hit these amounts. Is this possible to do? Thanks.

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Currently you would need modify core logic to achieve this (you'll need source code), however, very soon we'll be releasing our add-in model which will allow you to easily define logic to alter the contents of the shopping cart from a "plug-in" without modifying core logic...and it would work perfectly for what you are trying to accomplish here.

    What you may want to do instead (instead of modifying the source code that is...unless you want to of course ), is create 3 coupons. Each of the coupons should have a different code and each coupon should have a coupon type of Product - this coupon ONLY applies to the specified product(s). Now for the first coupon, set the Requires Minimum Order Amount to 50.00 and set Valid For Product(s) to 10001. For the second coupon, set the Requires Minimum Order Amount to 75.00 and set Valid For Product(s) to 15001. For the last coupon, set the Requires Minimum Order Amount to 100.00 and set Valid For Product(s) to 12345. For all 3 coupons, set the discount percent to 100, or the discount amount to the amount of the free gift product for which the coupon is valid for.

    After you've created those, you can just use the CartPageFooter topic to list the coupons, product links, and order amounts telling your customers that they can receive a free gift using the coupon codes, and each of the coupons will only work for the specified product when the order amount is over $x.xx.

    If you wanted it to be a little more dynamic, you could also use a little known feature to enable a header for the shopping cart page. Create a new appconfig parameter called XmlPackage.ShoppingCartPageHeader and give this appconfig parameter the value of an xmlpackage name (let's call it shoppingcart.pageheader.xml.config). Then, create a new xmlpackage called shoppingcart.pageheader.xml.config (or whatever value you set in the appconfig parameter). You can then in this xmlpackage, check the subtotal of items in the cart, and depending on the subtotal either show nothing if the order is under $50.00 (or some teaser saying something about a free gift at $50.00+) or show only the product link and the coupon code that is valid for that amount.

    Granted both of these create a few extra clicks for the end-user, but ultimately most will follow the links in order to get their free gift and by having the end-users browse to one final product page you have the potential to upsell the customer by adding upsell or related products to those free gift products.
    Last edited by George the Great; 08-18-2009 at 12:26 PM.
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>

  3. #3
    ram is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2007


    Thanks for your help. I will try to accomplish this and let you know.

  4. #4
    Rita is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - George View Post
    Currently you would need modify core logic to achieve this (you'll need source code), however, very soon we'll be releasing our add-in model which will allow you to easily define logic to alter the contents of the shopping cart from a "plug-in" without modifying core logic...and it would work perfectly for what you are trying to accomplish here.

    What you may want to do instead (instead of modifying the source code that is...unless you want to of course ), is create 3 coupons. Each of the coupons should have a different code and each coupon should have a coupon type of Product - this coupon ONLY applies to the specified product(s). Now for the first coupon, set the Requires Minimum Order Amount to 50.00 and set Valid For Product(s) to 10001. For the second coupon, set the Requires Minimum Order Amount to 75.00 and set Valid For Product(s) to 15001. For the last coupon, set the Requires Minimum Order Amount to 100.00 and set Valid For Product(s) to 12345. For all 3 coupons, set the discount percent to 100, or the discount amount to the amount of the free gift product for which the coupon is valid for.

    After you've created those, you can just use the CartPageFooter topic to list the coupons, product links, and order amounts telling your customers that they can receive a free gift using the coupon codes, and each of the coupons will only work for the specified product when the order amount is over $x.xx.

    If you wanted it to be a little more dynamic, you could also use a little known feature to enable a header for the shopping cart page. Create a new appconfig parameter called XmlPackage.ShoppingCartPageHeader and give this appconfig parameter the value of an xmlpackage name (let's call it shoppingcart.pageheader.xml.config). Then, create a new xmlpackage called shoppingcart.pageheader.xml.config (or whatever value you set in the appconfig parameter). You can then in this xmlpackage, check the subtotal of items in the cart, and depending on the subtotal either show nothing if the order is under $50.00 (or some teaser saying something about a free gift at $50.00+) or show only the product link and the coupon code that is valid for that amount.

    Granted both of these create a few extra clicks for the end-user, but ultimately most will follow the links in order to get their free gift and by having the end-users browse to one final product page you have the potential to upsell the customer by adding upsell or related products to those free gift products.
    I created a coupon like this.
    we are giving some product for free means, it should add to their order automatically. But in ASPDNSF customer has to add that product manually. Is it possible that free product add to their cart automatically?
    And also after the customer add the free product to their cart, they can increase the quantity of the free product, so if they enter 5 quantity of that free product they will be getting all the other 4 quantity of product also for free. So how can i block the customer from entering quantity for free product?

  5. #5
    DanV's Avatar
    DanV is offline Ursus arctos horribilis
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    You can do anything you want, but will need to write some code to do it It is very possible to add an item to the user's cart when their subtotal hits $X (and lock the quantity box to prevent them from changing the amount). You need to define how you want this to happen though... What if they are at (for example) $76 and get a free product, but then apply a coupon that takes them to $70 and they no longer qualify? Does it get removed? There are lots of nuances to things like this, and while very possible, needs to be defined to work with your business rules.

  6. #6
    johnmartin54 is offline Junior Member
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    Default is the add-in now available for "Spend X Get Y Free" ?

    This Quote Originally Posted by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - George View Post
    Currently you would need modify core logic to achieve this (you'll need source code), however, very soon we'll be releasing our add-in model which will allow you to easily define logic to alter the contents of the shopping cart from a "plug-in" without modifying core logic...and it would work perfectly for what you are trying to accomplish here.

    I guess this add-in model has now been released but as a new member I can't find details of it. Can you please help? All I need to do is give a free gift product to customers in each order with a value over £XX.

  7. #7
    pligon is offline Junior Member
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    Default Buy One Get One Free

    We have a module in the add-on marketplace that can do this for you.

    I don't want to sound like an ad, but I hope this helps you.