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Thread: update tax rates

  1. #1
    dnewman is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Question update tax rates

    In order to manage the ziptaxrates table we would like to do batch updates. There are way too many zip codes to manage this manually, and the clients will not do it.
    I have SQL to update the table, and the taxes are being calculated correctly in the checkout, but when I view the ZipTaxRates in the Admin panel, they are not reflecting the table contents. I can get them in sync with a Reset Cache.

    Is there a way to do a Reset Cache from a batch program?

    I tried to set the cach off in the Config table and I've set the timeout to a lower value (we are using 60), but the panel is not being refreshed unless I do a Reset Cache.

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    dnewman is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Post I Resolved it...

    I resolved it by turning on WSI and doing a reset cache call there.
    I'd still like to have a batch method to do this because we are not using the WSI for anything else and it's a hazard having it open.

    F.Y.I. the reset call is:
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport> <ResetCache Confirm="true"/> </AspDotNetStorefrontImport>

    I appreciate having the interface, but there should be other options as well.
    If anyone has a different approach, I'd like to hear it.
