Is it possible to create a custom template for search.aspx? Since it's not an entity page, I'm not sure where to start with that.
Thanks -
Is it possible to create a custom template for search.aspx? Since it's not an entity page, I'm not sure where to start with that.
Thanks -
If you have template switching turned on (AppConfig Template.Switching set to true) , you could add a new appconfig called templatesearch.aspx with a value that is the filename of the new search template (search.ascx perhaps?).
We are currently doing this for a number of different pages on a client's site and it works great. I THINK this has been available since the mid to late 7 series of ML.
Good luck!
EMM for AspDotNetStorefront - Communicate effectively with your customers
Create a new template to use for the search.aspx page, let's say for instance mysearchtemplate.ascx), then add a new AppConfig parameter called Templatesearch.aspx and set its a value to the template you created (mysearchtemplate.ascx.) You can use this technique on any pages of your site.
then how do u link it back to your pages search.aspx
Eat my code!
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The software will do it automatically for you once you navigate to a different page.Sounds pretty nice, right?
First, I set TemplateSwitching.Enabled variable to "true".
I add a new AppConfig Variable (newsearch.aspx and newsearch.ascx). Then i create a newsearch.ascx under my skin folder and copy all code from template.ascx file and change a few things. then create a page newsearch.aspx under root (this is copy from searchadv.aspx). But when we run this page in browser it fetches template.ascx file not newssearch.ascx.