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Thread: Managing dev-staging-prod with single DB?

  1. #1
    JWS is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Managing dev-staging-prod with single DB?

    We are shopping around for a hosting solution for our storefront, and I've heard some great things about Applied Innovations here. We're also looking at Server Intellect as well. However, their base plans seem to both only include ONE SQLServer DB.

    Is there a way to manage separate prod. vs. dev. environments with one DB that I'm not thinking about?

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    mgibbs is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Orange County, CA


    Host account limitations aside you can set two sites (dev, staging, live, whatever) that point to the same db by setting the db connection strings the same. We usually do this with staging and live but use a local db copy for dev site.
    good luck!
    EMM for AspDotNetStorefront - Communicate effectively with your customers