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Thread: Variant "Nuke" code Defect ???

  1. #1
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Variant "Nuke" code Defect ???

    I was trying to remove a variant from a product via "nuke"ing the item and received errors whenever it reached that item in the WSI stream. I changed the command in the text to "DELETE" and it flags the item as deleted with no issues. Only 1 word was changed in the WSI transmitted file "Nuke" to "Delete" on the item.

    So how do you Nuke a variant when you don't want to send the entire variant table again?

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Can you send over the xml request command? thnx

  3. #3
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    This code fails, change it from Nuke to Delete and it runs. Note the Nuking of one variant amoung several updates.

    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Version="7.1" SetImportFlag="false" AutoLazyAdd="false" AutoCleanup="true" Verbose="0" TransactionsEnabled="true">
    <Transaction Name="0047036">
    <Product Action="Update" GUID="67F7E7F5-C3D7-40F9-9CCA-CD437D3CD322">
    <Variants AutoCleanup="0">
    <Variant Action="Update" GUID="17E84E21-ED21-4801-B27D-812E14CD8E0B">
    <Variant Action="Nuke" GUID="292B39F8-9D6A-437F-84D7-D83A8117461A">
    <Variant Action="Update" GUID="5507DD59-F5F4-4796-BC16-7798BBC51B71">
    <Variant Action="Update" GUID="EE3D6295-4C97-47FB-A0BB-A0BC72D6D8F4">
    <ResetCache Confirm="true"/>